We are pleased to announce the first official stable release of the GPlates Web Service.
The GPlates Web Service is a part of the GPlates project funded by AuScope. The web service is built upon pyGPlates and allows users to utilize the pyGPlates functionalities without the need of installing pyGPlates locally. Users send HTTP requests to https://gws.gplates.org or On-Prem dockerized server, and then the server will process the requests and send the results back. The web service provides access to pyGPlates functionalities across multiple programming languages and operating systems.
Click this link for a “Quick Start”.
- https://gws.gplates.org (main NCI server)
- https://gws1.gplates.org (NCI backup server)
- https://gws2.gplates.org (EarthByte backup server)
One of the best-developed applications of the GPlates web service is the Lithodat LithoPlates reconstruction of geochemical and thermochronological data as part of their LithoSurfer service, based on an ARC Linkage grant and AuScope support. Register for an account and check out the interactive visualization and analysis of sample data and analytical results in a paleogeographic context at https://app.lithodat.com/