Part-time research assistant position in mineral exploration

The EarthByte Group is looking for a research assistant as part of our STELLAR industry project in collaboration with BHP. The casual position will be for up to 10 hours per week on average. The successful applicant can complete these hours through a regular weekly schedule or clump their hours into intensive weekly blocks (i.e., we provide flexible working arrangements). A workspace will be available for the successful candidate in the EarthByte corner of the University of Sydney Madsen Building (main campus), but candidates may work from home with weekly catch-ups with their supervisor. The work will be supervised by Prof Dietmar Müller. The hourly rate is based on HEO 3 Step 1 (~$34/h) of the University’s Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. The contract will cover the period June to December 2022. The starting date is negotiable.

The position is open to any candidate interested in geology or geophysics who has completed their 1st year of undergraduate study. The applicant must have:

  • a basic understanding of geological principles
  • computer skills, ideally including some programming skills, preferably in python
  • good communication skills
  • a high level of motivation and they must be well-organized

To apply, please send a short CV/Resume, Academic Transcript, and a couple of paragraphs explaining why you would be suitable for the role in an e-mail (subject line: “EarthByte-STELLAR-RA-2022”) to Dietmar Müller <> by 5 pm, 13 May 2022. E-mail Dietmar if you have any questions about the role.

For more information on the EarthByte Group or the STELLAR project, see the links below: and

