Welcome to Issue 3 of GPlates News! Providing updates on recently added functionality, new tutorials and research highlights.
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Scholarship available

PhD Scholarship in Basin Dynamics at USYD
Applications close March 2015

Recent GPlates research and datasets

A tectonic model reconciling evidence for the collision between India, Eurasia and intra-oceanic arcs of the central-eastern Tethys

Download Paper (PDF)
Download plate reconstruction
and Reconstruction animations

Geological and kinematic constraints on Late Cretaceous to mid Eocene plate boundaries in the Southwest Pacific

Download Paper
Download tectonic reconstruction files

Assimilating lithosphere and slab history in 4-D Earth models

Download Paper

All publications from EarthByte can be downloaded here.

Other GPlates models: Tethys and Caribbean reconstructions from Douwe van Hinsbergen and colleagues Link to models

Research Highlight

Nicolas Flament's paper "Linking plate tectonics and mantle flow to Earth's topography" was in the Top 5 most read Geology papers of 2014!
Download the open access paper.

New Release: GPlates 1.5!

This latest version includes new functionality:
Project Files that allow users to save and reload GPlates sessions

A kinematics tool that can be used to create graphs of velocities and to export both tables and graphs.

New compatibility for import and export of GeoJSON files.

Experimental release: 1.5+ Hellinger-tool

A tool to calculate the Hellinger best-fitting rotation pole for segmented magnetic pick data has been added to an experimental release of GPlates that can be downloaded with all other 1.5 functionality. The tool uses a Python implementation of the FORTRAN program (Chang and others) and can import FORTRAN compatible data files. DownloadDownload GPlates Version 1.5 or 1.5+Hellinger

GPlates Portal

Launched in late 2014, the Portal offers GPlates visualisation using your web browser. The tool was developed using Cesium opensource software. Recently added interactive datasets include the SRTM 15 Plus Topography dataset with adjustable scaling of terrain as well as the published magnetic isochron pick database (GSFML). PyGPlates powers some of the Portal functionality and some demonstrations are available on the site.
Visit the portal at http://portal.gplates.org

Updated GPlates 1.5 Sample Data

The included Feature Collections and Rasters have been updated for release of GPlates 1.5.
New datasets include:
  • Hotpots
  • Large Igneous Provinces
  • Continental polygons
  • Flowlines and
  • New Gravity and Vertical Gravity Gradient grid rasters Sandwell et al. 2014

Read more here. Compilation of the new data was primarily funded by

Upcoming Short Courses

GPlates Workshop at EGU:
13 April 2015
A GPlates workshop will be held at AAPG-SEG between 13-16 September 2015

Visit our websites:

For more information contact:
Prof. Dietmar Müller, The University of Sydney: dietmar.muller@sydney.edu.au
Prof. Mike Gurnis, California Institute of Technology: gurnis@caltech.edu
Prof. Trond Torsvik, University of Oslo: t.h.torsvik@geo.uio.no

Our mailing address is:
Madsen Building F09, School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.