Back-Arc Basin Animations

The animation for each model can be downloaded by clicking on the corresponding Model Name. 

File Model/Name Imposed Surface Velocity (ISV) Trailing Edge Width Ridge
Reference 7 cm/yr ISV 1200 km No
1200R 7 cm/yr ISV 1200 km Yes
600 7 cm/yr ISV 600 km No
600R 7 cm/yr ISV 600 km Yes
2000 7 cm/yr ISV 2000 km No
2000R 7 cm/yr ISV 1200 km Yes
1200free None Free 1200 km No
1200freeR None Free 1200 km Yes
600free None Free 600 km No
600freeR None Free 600 km Yes
2000free N/A Free 2000 km No
2000freeR N/A Fixed 2000 km Yes
1200fixed N/A Fixed 1200 km No
1200fixedR N/A Fixed 1200 km Yes
600fixed N/A Fixed 600 km No
600fixedR N/A Fixed 600 km Yes
2000fixed N/A Fixed 2000 km No
2000fixedR N/A Fixed 2000 km Yes




Clark, S.C.,Stegman, D., Müller, R.D., 2008, Episodicity in back-arc tectonic regimes, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 171, 265-279.