ANDS logoEarthByte, in collaboration with The University of Sydney Library and ICT department, is involved in an important ANDS-MODC funded project to ensure that EarthByte data collections are supported by a robust data management regime. This is to enhance the sustainability, discoverability and re-use of these resources. 

This project is being undertaken to produce complete detailed standardized meta-data sets for these data collections and to migrate the data sets to an easily accessible and maintained location. Furthermore, the existing files will be transformed into a range of different raster and vector file formats, to make them compatible with a variety of open-source and industry standard software.

The primary data analysts from EarthByte are Kayla Maloney, Kara Matthews, Amanda Thran and Hjörtur Jónasson. This project runs from late 2014 until the end of May 2015.

Click here to see the poster that Dietmar presented at the Australian open research data showcase in Canberra in June 2015.

