What is EarthByte?

Various images of EarthByte research

The EarthByte Research Group pursues geodata synthesis through space and time, building a deep-time virtual Earth.  The group is well-known for open innovation via collaborative software development, “big data” analysis and its global open access digital data collections. The EarthByters lead the collaborative development of open-source virtual Earth software, including GPlates, pyGPlates, GPlately, the GPlates web service and portal, the GPlates App, pyBacktrack, and numerous … Read more…

What is EarthByte?

Various images of EarthByte research

The EarthByte Research Group pursues geodata synthesis through space and time, building a deep-time virtual Earth. The group is well-known for open innovation via collaborative software development, “big data” analysis and its global open access digital data collections. The EarthByters lead the collaborative development of open-source virtual Earth software, including GPlates, pyGPlates, GPlately, the GPlates web service and portal, the GPlates App, pyBacktrack, and numerous … Read more…

Geo★ Down Under

Geo★ Down Under is an open and self-organising community loosely coordinated by Louis Moresi of the ANU. We welcome new writers, editors and supporters. If you are interested, drop us a line: editors_gdu@agora.geo-down-under.geoscience.education We receive support from AuScope to power the engines behind the website and the community forum and mailing lists. AuScope also provides us with writing support … Read more…