Michael Chin wins NeCTAR/ANDS #nadojo competition for GPlates

Congratulations to Michael Chin from the Earthbyte group on winning this year’s NeCTAR/ANDS #nadojo competition. Michael demonstrated a new web-enabled GPlates prototype on the NECTAR/ANDS eResearch computing infrastructure, porting some of the powerful plate reconstruction capabilities to the web. The new GPlates competed with several other candidates from universities and research institutes in Australia, and … Read more…

Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems – The GPlates geological information model and markup language

Qin, X., Müller, R. D., Cannon, J., Landgrebe, T. C. W., Heine, C., Watson, R. J., & Turner, M. (2012). The GPlates geological information model and markup language. Geosci. Instrum. Methods Data Syst. Discuss, 2, 365-428. doi:10.5194/gi-1-111-2012. Download the paper – pdf

Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium IV – Late Cretaceous to present-day opening of the southwest Pacific constrained by numerical models and seismic tomography

Matthews, K. J., Seton, M., Flament, N., & Müller, R. D. (2012). Late Cretaceous to present-day opening of the southwest Pacific constrained by numerical models and seismic tomography. In Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium EABS IV: Exploration—Driving Future Energy Solutions, Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (pp. 105-119). Download the paper – pdf

Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium IV – Developing a consistent sequence stratigraphy for the Wilkes Land and Great Australian Bight margins

Lane, H., Müller, R. D., Totterdell, J. M., & Whittaker, J. (2012). Developing a consistent sequence stratigraphy for the Wilkes Land and Great Australian Bight margins. In Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium IV: Brisbane, Queensland. Download the paper – pdf

Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium IV – Crustal velocity and sediment thickness asymmetries along and between the conjugate Australian-Antarctic margins

Whittaker, J. M., Goncharov, A., Williams, S. E., & Müller, R. D. (2012). Crustal velocity and sediment thickness asymmetries along and between the conjugate Australian-Antarctic margins. Mares, T.(Ed). Download the paper – pdf

Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium IV – Full-fit reconstructions of the southern Australian Margin and Antarctica – implications for correlating geology between Australia and Antarctica

Williams, S. E., Whittaker, J. M., & Müller, R. D. (2012). Full-fit reconstructions of the southern Australian margin and Antarctica–implications for correlating geology between Australia and Antarctica. In Proceedings of the Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium IV, Brisbane Qld (unpubl.). Download the paper – pdf

Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium IV – Plate Tectonic Consequences of competing models for the origin and history of the Banda Sea subducted oceanic lithosphere

Heine, C., Quevedo, L., McKay, H., & Müller, R. D. (2012). Plate Tectonic Consequences of competing models for the origin and history of the Banda Sea subducted oceanic lithosphere. arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.4958. Download the paper – pdf

Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium IV – Subduction history in the Melanesian borderlands region, SW Pacific

Seton, M., Flament, N., & Müller, R. D. (2012). Subduction history in the Melanesian Borderlands region, SW Pacific. In: Mares, T. (Ed), 2012. Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium IV. Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, Special Publication, 1-12. Download the paper – pdf

EarthByte successful in applying for resources on iVEC supercomputer ‘Fornax’

Dietmar Müller, Leonardo Quevedo and Thomas Landgrebe from EarthByte have been successful in applying for resources on the new iVEC supercomputer “Fornax” located at UWA through a merit allocation project built around GPlates new data mining capabilities. GPlates performance as a data-intensive application and its potential for generating a high impact research outcome by taking … Read more…

EarthByte successful in applying for resources on iVEC supercomputer 'Fornax'

Dietmar Müller, Leonardo Quevedo and Thomas Landgrebe from EarthByte have been successful in applying for resources on the new iVEC supercomputer “Fornax” located at UWA through a merit allocation project built around GPlates new data mining capabilities. GPlates performance as a data-intensive application and its potential for generating a high impact research outcome by taking … Read more…

The UNCOVER Searching the deep Earth – a vision for exploration geoscience in Australia policy document is released

The UNCOVER Searching the Deep Earth: A vision for exploration geoscience in Australia document was officially launched by the Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism, Martin Ferguson, at the 34th International Geological Congress in Brisbane last week. This important policy document is a call for Australian earth scientists to cooperate in an innovative, structured and … Read more…

Earth-Science Reviews – Global continental and ocean basin reconstructions since 200 Ma

Seton, M., Müller, R. D., Zahirovic, S., Gaina, C., Torsvik, T., Shephard, G., … & Chandler, M. (2012). Global continental and ocean basin reconstructions since 200Ma. Earth-Science Reviews, 113(3), 212-270. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2012.03.002. Download the paper – pdf

Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems – Influence of overriding plate geometry and rheology on subduction

Butterworth, N. P., Quevedo, L., Morra, G., & Müller, R. D. (2012). Influence of overriding plate geometry and rheology on subduction. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13(6). doi:10.1029/2011GC003968. Download the paper – pdf

6th eResearch Australasia Conference – Application of open-source software and high-resolution geophysical images to explore the plate tectonic evolution of Australia

Williams, S., Musgrave, R., & Müller, R. D. Application of open-source software and high-resolution geophysical images to explore the plate tectonic evolution of Australia. 6th eResearch Australasia Conference, Sydney, 28 Oct-1 Nov 2012. Download the paper – pdf

6th eResearch Australasia Conference – Evolution of Earth’s topography from models of global mantle flow and lithospheric deformation

Flament, N., Gurnis, M., Williams, S.E., Seton, M. and Müller, R.D., (2012). Evolution of Earth’s topography from models of global mantle flow and lithospheric deformation, 6th eResearch Australasia Conference , Sydney, 28 Oct-1 Nov 2012. Download the paper – pdf

6th eResearch Australia Conference – An open innovation platform for deep time spatio-temporal knowledge-discovery

Müller, R. D., Cannon, J., Landgrebe, T. C. W., & Qin, X. An open innovation platform for deep time spatio-temporal knowledge-discovery. In 6th eResearch Australasia Conference, Sydney (Vol. 28). 28 Oct-1 Nov 2012. Download the paper – pdf

Precambrian Research – Archean gravity-driven tectonics on hot and flooded continents: Controls on long-lived mineralised hydrothermal systems away from continental margins

Thébaud, N., & Rey, P. F. (2013). Archean gravity-driven tectonics on hot and flooded continents: controls on long-lived mineralised hydrothermal systems away from continental margins. Precambrian Research, 229, 93-104. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2012.03.001. Download the paper – pdf

Geological Magazine – A deep subaqueous fan depositional model for the Palaeoarchaean (3.46 Ga) Marble Bar Cherts, Warrawoona Group, Western Australia

Olivier, N., Dromart, G., Coltice, N., Flament, N., Rey, P., & Sauvestre, R. (2012). A deep subaqueous fan depositional model for the Palaeoarchaean (3.46 Ga) Marble Bar Cherts, Warrawoona Group, Western Australia.Geological Magazine, 149(04), 743-749. doi:10.1017/S0016756812000131. Download the paper – pdf