Maria Seton successfully bids for $1m ship time

Congratulations to Maria Seton and her team who have been successful in a bid for ~$1M in ship time on the Southern Surveyor, the Australian Marine National Facility. Maria and her team will investigate the ‘Tectonic framework for the easternmost Coral Sea and northern extent of the Lord Howe hotspot’ during a ~3-week long cruise … Read more…

EarthByte welcomes Florian Wobbe

The EarthByte Group would like to welcome PhD student Florian Wobbe who is visiting our research group for 2 months from AWI Bremerhaven, Germany working on circum-Antarctic palaeo-bathymetry reconstructions.

EarthByte to attend GSA Fragile Earth conference 2011

EarthByte group members Dietmar Müller, Christian Heine, Nicolas Flament, Aedon Talsma, Logan Yeo and Grace Shephard are attending the GSA Fragile Earth conference in Munich, Germany from 4-7 September, 2011. Click here for details about the GSA conference

EarthByte welcomes Fabian Stenzel

The EarthByte group welcomes research student Fabian Stenzel from the Technical University Munich (Germany) who was awarded a competitive “RISE worldwide” scholarship (Research assistantships in Science and Engineering) from the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD. Fabian will be staying with the group for about 3 months and work together with Christian on assimilating global datasets … Read more…

Students awarded PESA Tertiary Study Grants

Congratulations to PhD student Logan Yeo and honours student Allison Thomas who have both been awarded a PESA Tertiary Study Grant. Logan won the award for his PhD project on Integrating deep earth and surface processes for frontier basin exploration and Allison Thomas won hers for her Honours thesis on “Oil Migration in the Late Archaean Witwatersrand … Read more…

GPlates accepted by Softpedia

GPlates has been accepted by Softpedia which is a popular library of over 400,000 free and free-to-try software programs and is one of the top 500 websites (according to Alexa traffic rankings). Since GPlates’ acceptance yesterday (30th June) it has already been downloaded over 1,000 times according to Softpedia. This is significant considering that the … Read more…