Kara Matthews awarded L. A. Richardson Memorial Prize
Congratulations to Kara Matthews who was awarded the L. A. Richardson Memorial Prize. Well done Kara!
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Congratulations to Kara Matthews who was awarded the L. A. Richardson Memorial Prize. Well done Kara!
Congratulations to Grace Shephard who was awarded the L. A. Richardson Memorial Prize. Well done Grace!
Congratulations to Dietmar Müller who was awarded the Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) Mercator Professor Fellowship at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany).
Aedon Talsma is on a 2nd research visit to the University of Munich as part of his Honours project.
Congratulations to Aedon Talsma who picked up both the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Study Grant and the Leo A. Cotton Prize in Exploration Geophysics. Well done Aedon!
Congratulations to Aaron Tyler for winning the Quodling Testimonial Prize for Crystallography and Petrology. Well done Aaron!
Sabin Zahirovic is currently on a research visit to the California Institute of Technology as part of his Honours project.
Congratulations to Sabin Zahirovic who has won a GSA-NSW scholarship to support his attendance at the 2010 Australian Earth Sciences Convention in Canberra.
Congratulations to Nicholas Herold for winning the George Harris Scholarship. Well done Nicholas!
Congratulations to Kara Matthews who was awarded the Third Year Fugro Ground and Airborne Geophysics Prize. Well done Kara!
Congratulations to Prof. Dietmar Müller who has been awarded one of only 15 Australian Laureate Fellowships.
Congratulations to Judith Tong who was awarded the University of Sydney Postgraduate Research Prize for Outstanding Achievement 2009. Well done Judith!
Congratulations to Sabin Zahirovic for winning the Quodling Testimonial Prize for Crystallography and Petrology. Well done Sabin!
Congratulations to Hannah Lane for winning the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Study Grant. Well done Hannah!
Congratulations to Ana Gibbons for winning the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Study Grant. Well done Ana!
Congratulations to Rhiannon McKeon for winning the L. A. Richardson Memorial Prize in Exploration Geophysics and the Deas-Thomson Scholarship in Geology. Well done Rhiannon!
Congratulations to Dietmar Müller for being awarded top reviewer in 2008 for exceptional contribution to the quality of Tectonophysicsî by Elsevier, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Publisher of Tectonophysics. Well done Dietmar!
Congratulations to Gemma Roberts for winning the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Study Grant. Well done Gemma!
Congratulations to Maria Seton for being awarded an Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (APD) from the Australian Research Council. Well done Maria!
Congratulations to Grace Shephard for winning the Leo A. Cotton Prize in Exploration Geophysics and Deas-Thomson Scholarship in Geology. Well done Grace!
Congratulations to Vashti Singh who was awarded a Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Study Grant. Well done Vashti!
Congratulations Grace Shephard for winning the Slade Prize for Geology 2 Practicals and the Earth Resources Foundation Coffey Scholarship for Outstanding Achievements in Geoscience. Well done Grace!
Lachlan O’Brian, a 2007 3rd year student in our School, won the Australian International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE) Student Competition with an instrumental piece called ‘Rondosymbiosis’, representative of the origin and evolution of life on the Planet Earth throughout geological time, and presented as an mp3 recording. He will act as ambassador for Australia … Read more…
Lachlan O’Brian, a 2007 3rd year student in our School, won the Australian International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE) Student Competition with an instrumental piece called ‘Rondosymbiosis’, representative of the origin and evolution of life on the Planet Earth throughout geological time, and presented as an mp3 recording. He will act as ambassador for Australia … Read more…
Congratulations to Joanne Whittaker who has been awarded the University of Sydney Postgraduate Research Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement. Jo will attend a prize night hosted by the Faculty of Science on the 9th May to receive her award. Well done Jo!
Congratulations to Hannah Lane who was awarded a Deas-Thomson Scholarship in Mineralogy. Well done Hannah!
Congratulations to Kara Matthews who was awarded the Leo A. Cotton Prize in Exploration Geophysics. Well done Kara!
Congratulations to Gemma Roberts for winning the Prospectors Supplies Pty Ltd – Suunto Prize. Well done Gemma!
Congratulations Kara Matthews for winning the Earth Resources Foundation Coffey Scholarship for Outstanding Achievements in Geoscience. Well done Kara!
Congratulations to Vashti Singh who was awarded the Sheila Mitchell Swain Memorial Prize and Ken Richards Memorial Scholarship. Well done Vashti!