GPlates mobile app developer wanted

The EarthByte Group is looking for a student with experience in app development to work as part of an AuScope funded GPlates-in-Schools project. The position will be covered by a casual contract of 20-30 hours per week, depending on the time commitment of the candidate. The successful applicant can complete these hours through a regular weekly schedule or clump their hours into intensive weekly blocks (i.e. we provide flexible working arrangements). A workspace will be available for the successful candidates in the EarthByte corner of the Madsen Building (main campus) but candidates may work from home with weekly catch-ups with their supervisor/s. The hourly rate is based on HEO 4-6 (between $48-62 per hour, depending on experience) of the University’s Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. The contract covers March 2022 to September 2022 (inclusive) but may be renewed depending on funding and performance. For more details, see here:


