The EarthByte Group will conduct a 2 days workshop on surface processes modelling on the 13th and 14th of October in the Madsen Building at the School of Geoscience, The University of Sydney, Australia.
The workshop aims to introduce those interested in landscape evolution and source to sink problems to a new open-source code: Badlands. Note that you do not have to be a seasoned modeller to participate. Geomorphologists, tectonicists and sedimentologists interested in testing conceptual models based on field observations are welcome!
Background on Badlands:
Basin and Landscape Dynamics (Badlands) is a landscape evolution model, built to simulate topography development at various space and time scales. The model is capable of simulating hillslope processes, fluvial incision (‘modified’ Stream Power Law, Transport Capacity Law both for sediment erosion/transport/deposition), spatially and temporally varying geodynamic (horizontal + vertical displacements) and climatic forces which can be used to simulate changes in base level, as well as effects of climate changes or sea-level fluctuations. In addition the model can solve elastic plate flexure problems.
If you are interested in attending the 2 days workshop you can register online here:
Workshop schedule
- Day 1:
- Introduction to pyBadlands (rationale, model components & physics)
- Installation of Virtual Machine on individual laptops
- Basics of iPython notebooks
- Hands-on tutorial (based on existing examples available with the VM)
- Vizualisation basics (using ipython notebook in the web browser + Paraview)
- Day 2:
- Question following previous day
- Introduction to pyBadlands’ Companion
- Make you own model
NB: You will need to bring your own laptop to the workshop.
Places are limited to 20. First come, first served. Registration is binding.
If you have any question? please email