Keynote Talk at Exploration in the House: Critical minerals – prospectivity mapping using generative AI

In the recent Exploration in the House event at Parliament House in Sydney Dietmar provided an overview of the use of generative AI for assessing copper, nickel and cobalt prospectivity in the Lachlan fold belt, based on the Honours thesis of Nathan Wake, and work by Ehsan Farahbakhsh and Vera Nolte-Wilson. The event also featured … Read more…

Exploration in the House: AI, new data, new exploration futures

EXPLORATION IN THE HOUSE – NEW DATA, NEW EXPLORATION FUTURES The half-day event on Friday 10 May will feature a keynote presentation on the applications of artificial intelligence-driven data processing in the search for critical minerals. Join Mining, Exploration and Geoscience for Exploration in the House – New data, new exploration futures at the NSW … Read more…

Predicting the emplacement of Cordilleran porphyry copper systems using a spatio-temporal machine learning model

Porphyry copper (Cu) systems occur along magmatic belts derived in subduction zones. Our current under- standing of their formation is restricted to observations from the overriding plate, resulting in a knowledge gap in terms of processes occurring in convergence zones through time. An association between key tectonic processes and the timing and location of porphyry … Read more…